Given that hair drug testing is an increasingly popular and much used method, it may be a good idea for people to have adequate hair drug test information. The first thing that you need to know about hair drug test information is the fact that it is the most efficient method of detecting drug usage. Interestingly every half inch of a hair sample will provide a 30 day history of drug usage. Therefore the standard 1 and a half inch sample that is usually resorted to provides usage information pertaining to 90 days.

One thing you simply ought to know about hair drug test information is the fact that hair samples taken from body parts other than the head can provide information that goes back a year. So whoever thought that the best way to beat a hair drug test was by shaving off one’s hair on the head should get his head examined and the pun is intended!

Hair Drug Test Information

Bleaches, shampoos and other hair treatments will not in any way be able to impact the outcome of a hair drug test. However hair drug test information that you might find useful is the fact that you can use cleansing products like the Zydot Ultra Clean Hair Purifying Shampoo to purge you hair of chemicals. Another piece of hair drug test information that you need to have is the fact that the toxins reach your hair through the blood stream. For you to be able to beat a hair drug test naturally you need to over time cleanse your body of the drug and its residues. For this you should stop doing drugs, eat healthy, drink plenty of water and exercise regularly.

For a list of additional products to help you with your hair test, vist our Hair Test Products Page. There you will also find helpful links to information sources and products about different types of drug tests.

In this day and age where drug testing is happening everywhere including schools and work places, and where hair drug testing is the preferred method it pays to have hair drug testing information. The authorities in their wisdom have decided to use drug testing and hair drug testing as the primary tool to check the consumption of drugs, not differentiating between occasional or recreational use and an addiction to drugs. In circumstances such as these, where failing in a drug test could impact your economic prospects it is good to be prepared to take the right measures to ensure your passing.

In this case, one should depend on measures that involve removal of toxins from the body, rather than flawed methods like masking samples. As time goes by, the methods of detecting cover ups are going to get increasingly sophisticated and one will accordingly have to be updated about hair drug testing
information. In the ultimate analysis it will boil down to your ability to expunge toxins in a timely fashion, so as to send a clean tuft of hair for testing.