Employee drug testing
Employee drug use and employee drug testing have become a very controversial topic amongst employers and employees. Employees contest that their employers in an effort to downsize their businesses and cut jobs without violating employment protection laws issue company wide drug screens and use the test failures as an excuse to fire their employees. The […]
Passing a Drug Test
Trust us. There are many people who are searching for information on how do I pass a drug test. However, for all of the helpful information you are likely to find on the Internet, there are also many urban myths that are ineffective. At worst, these methods can actually cause your test to falsely […]
How to pass a drug test in 24 hours
How to pass a drug test in 24 hours is an interesting question. The answer to this depends upon how long has one been doing drugs and of what type. It also depends upon the type of test being done. In the case of a saliva test for example you can eat and drink just […]
how can I pass a Cannabis Drug Test
A cannabis drug test could be of various types. It could involve testing of blood, saliva, hair and urine. The most common and also the least expensive method of testing is urine testing. Moreover the results come out in a manner of minutes. Hair testing is more expensive and it is useful in detecting usage […]
How to pass a saliva drug test
It is possible to know how to pass a saliva test. One should first of all stop doing drugs completely in the lead up to the test. Second one should ensure that one does not eat anything that has poppy seeds in for that would throw up a positive result. Third one should eat food […]
what can i do to pass a hair follicle drug test
There are a whole lot of hair follicle drug faqs that one can think of. The very first hair follicle faq would pertain to its popularity. Well the answer to that is quite easy. It is an extremely efficient way of detecting drug usage and can give results pertaining to usage that happened as far […]
Guaranteed Drug Test Pass
Now how would you describe guaranteed drug test pass?That would mean that you take a drug test in the form knowledge that you would pass. Now how would such a guaranteed drug test pass come about? By not doing drugs of course. True, but we live in the real world, and such homilies don’t amount […]
How to beat a drug test
How to beat a drug test is something that is something that many of us have to contend with, considering that drug testing has become such an important part of our lives. When we consider how to beat a drug test we have to realise that drug testing has come along a long way, and […]
what’s the best synthetic urine kit for drug test
synthetic urine kit for drug test can easily be used to pass a drug test in the cases of unsupervised tests. Where tests are supervised it will possibly be difficult if not impossible to take the help of synthetic urine kit for drug test to pass drug test. Because of random drug testing anybody can […]
how do I pass a drug test guaranteed
How often have we heard the question how do I pass a drug test guaranteed? This is because drug testing has become a very crucial part of our lives and its outcome impacts our jobs, insurance benefits and so on. So it is not surprising that so many of us become paranoid when faced with […]